Об авторах
X. АльхуссанСаудовская Аравия
Т. В. Сидорович
А. Д. Чорный
Список литературы
1. Chernyi G. G., Losev S. A., Macheret S. O. et al. Physical and Chemical Processes in Gas Dynamics. Virginia, 2004.
2. Anderson, J. D., Jr. Modern Compressible Flow. New York, 2002.
3. Alhussan K. Direct fluid-fluid interaction in three-dimensional supersonic non-steady flow. DSc. Diss. The George Washington University, 2002.
4. Alhussan K. Computational analysis of high speed flow over a conical surface for air as working fluid // Proc. 3rd IASME/ WSEAS Int. Conf. on Fluid Dynamics & Aerodynamics, Corfu, Greece, Aug. 20-22. Corfu, 2005. P. 202-205.
5. Krasnov N. F. Aerodynamics of bodies of revolution. Moscow, 1958.
6. Krasnov N. F. Fundamentals of estimated aerodynamics. Moscow, 1981.
7. Hill J. C. // AIAA J. 1968. Vol. 7, no. 1. P. 165-167.
8. Simon W. E, Walter L. A. // AIAA J. 1963. Vol. 1, no. 7. P. 1696-1698.
9. Nielsen J. N. Missile aerodynamics. New York, 1988.
10. Sims J. R. Tables of supersonic flow around right circular cones at zero angle of attack. NASA-SP-3004. 1964.
11. Equations, Tables, and Charts for Compressible Flow (by Ames Research Staff). NASA Report 1135. 1953.
12. BartlettM. A. Tables of supersonic symmetrical flow around right circular cones, with and without the addition of heat at the wave. R&M. 1968. No. 3521. London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.
13. Hase U. D., Probstin R. F. Theory of supersonic flows. Moscow, 1962.
14. Barnette D. W. Program SHOCKS: Quickly estimating super- and hypersonic flows. New Mexico: Sandia National Laboratories, 1993.
15. ANSYS Fluent Tutorial Guide. Ansys Inc., 2011.
16. Lunev V V Supersonic aerodynamics. Moscow, 1975.
17. Brodetsky M. D., Shevchenko А. М. // Appl. Mech.Tech. Phys. 2003. Vol. 44, no. 5. P. 46-55.