In the 80-300 K temperature range and magnetic fields with induction of up to 2.1 T are studied the characteristics of magnetoresistive properties and Hall effect of Mn0,55V0,45S solid solution. It was found that the Mn0,55V0,45S composition is a semiconductor with high p-type carrier concentration and low values of their mobility; a magnetoresistive effect is observed; solid solution has a noncollinear antiferromagnetic structure at temperatures ranges T < TN = 130 K; in the vicinity of the temperature T ~ 180 K in Mn0,55V0,45S there is a phase transition of semiconductor-semimetal type due to delocalization of charge carriers and the formation of micro areas with ferromagnetic ordering in an antiferromagnetic matrix. Magnetoresistive effect in this case, most likely is due to the magnetic inhomogeneity and can be interpreted in the framework of the electronic and magnetic phase separation consistent with the theory of current flow in heavily doped semiconductors.
About the Authors
S. S. AplesninRussian Federation
O. F. Demidenko
G. I. Makovetskii
O. B. Romanova
Russian Federation
L. I. Ryabinkina
Russian Federation
K. I. Yanushkevich
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