
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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When high energy particles move along the crystal axis or plane, they experience the action of an extended effective field, the strength of which by orders of magnitude exceeds that of any stationary magnet. These fields give rise to wide possibilities of new phenomena observation, particle properties measurement, high energy beam control, generation and polarization. Many of their possibilities have been predicted by Belarusian scientists and observed at CERN, FNAL, IHPEP, etc. The revealed effects of channeling efficiency increase by crystal cutting and multiple volume reflection from different atomic planes of the same bent crystal make it possible to improve the radiation protection of superconducting magnets of both the high luminocity Large hardron collider phase and the Future circular collider. A drastic enhancement of both radiation and pair production processes in crystals can influence the functioning of both the existing Compact muon solenoid electromagnetic calorimeter at CERN and Fermi gamma-telescope as well as can be applied to devise more effective calorimeters and gamma-telescopes in future. A remarkable effect of channeling particle spin rotation in bent crystals enables one to measure both magnetic and electron dipole moments of short-lived charm and beauty hyperons as well as to observe electron magnetic moment modification. 

About the Authors

V. G. Baryshevsky
Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University

D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Honorary Director, Principal Research Scientist

11, Bobruiskaya Str., Minsk, 220030

V. V. Tikhomirov
Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University

D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Nuclear Optics and Astroparticle Physics

11, Bobruiskaya Str., Minsk, 220030


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