
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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N. Arkani-Hamed, S. Dimopoulous, and G. Dvali have proposed a model (ADD) of low-scale quantum gravity featuring large extra dimensions. In this model, the exchange of Kaluza – Klein towers of gravitons can enhance a production rate of lepton pairs at high invariant mass in proton-proton collisions at LHC. By considering the present and future LHC energy regimes, we have again analyzed the LHC potential to discover the effects of large extra dimensions and to discriminate between various theoretical models. Specifically, in the latter case we explore the LHC capability to distinguish spin-2 Kaluza – Klein towers of gravitons exchange from other new physics effects which might be conveniently parametrized by the four-fermion contact interactions. We find that LHC with planned energy of 14 TeV and luminosity of 100 fb–1 will be capable of discovering (and identifying) graviton exchange effects in the large extra dimensions with the cutoff parameter of the order MS = 6.2 TeV (4.8 TeV) for d = 6 and MS = 8.8 TeV (6.8 TeV) for d = 3. 

About the Authors

A. A. Pankov
Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel; Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Belarusian State University; JINR

Abdus Salam ICTP Affiliated Centre

D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Chief Scientist

48, October Ave., 246746, Gomel

Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

I. A. Serenkova
Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel

Abdus Salam ICTP Affiliated Centre

Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Leading Researcher

48, October Ave., 246746, Gomel

A. V. Tsytrinov
Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel

Abdus Salam ICTP Affiliated Centre

Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor

48, October Ave., 246746, Gomel

V. A. Bednyakov
Russian Federation

Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Director

6, Joliot-Curie Str., 141980, Dubna, Moscow Region


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