Spectral conditions of existence of the graph circumference
A graph parameter – a circumference of a graph – and its relationship with the algebraic parameters of a graph – eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix and the unsigned Laplace matrix of a graph – are considered in this article. Earlier we have obtained the lower estimates of the spectral radius of an arbitrary graph and a bipartitebalanced graph for existence of the Hamiltonian cycle in it. Recently the problem of existence of a cycle of length n – 1 in a graph depending on the values of its above-mentioned spectral radii has been investigated. This article studies the problem of existence of a cycle of length n – 2 in a graph depending on the lower estimates of the values of its spectral radius and the spectral radius of its unsigned Laplacian and the spectral conditions of existence of the circumference of a graph (2-connected graph) are obtained.
About the Author
V. I. BenediktovichBelarus
Vladimir I. Benediktovich – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Leading Researcher
11, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
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