
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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Ways for detection of the exact number of limit cycles of autonomous systems on the cylinder


For real autonomous systems of differential equations with continuously differentiable right-hand sides, the problem of detecting the exact number and localization of the second-kind limit cycles on the cylinder is considered. To solve this problem in the absence of equilibria of the system on the cylinder, we have developed our previously proposed ways consisting in a sequential two-step application of the Dulac – Cherkas test or the Dulac test. Additionally, a new way has been worked out using the generalization of the Dulac – Cherkas or Dulac test at the second step, where the requirement of constant sign for divergence is replaced by the transversality condition of the curves on which the divergence vanishes. With the help of the developed ways, closed transversal curves are found that divide the cylinder into subdomains surrounding it, in each of which the system has exactly one second-kind limit cycle.

The practical efficiency of the mentioned ways is demonstrated by the example of a pendulum-type system, for which, in the absence of equilibria, the existence of exactly three second-kind limit cycles on the entire phase cylinder is proved.

About the Authors

A. A. Hryn
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Aliaksandr A. Hryn – Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and Algebra

22, Ozheshko Str., Grodno, 230023, Republic of Belarus

S. V. Rudzevich
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Searhei V. Rudevich – Postgraduate Student

22, Ozheshko Str., Grodno, 230023, Republic of Belarus


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