The Abel – Poisson means of conjugate Fourier – Chebyshev series and their approximation properties
Herein, the approximation properties of the Abel – Poisson means of rational conjugate Fourier series on the system of the Chebyshev–Markov algebraic fractions are studied, and the approximations of conjugate functions with density | x |s , s ∈(1, 2), on the segment [–1,1] by this method are investigated. In the introduction, the results related to the study of the polynomial and rational approximations of conjugate functions are presented. The conjugate Fourier series on one system of the Chebyshev – Markov algebraic fractions is constructed. In the main part of the article, the integral representation of the approximations of conjugate functions on the segment [–1,1] by the method under study is established, the asymptotically exact upper bounds of deviations of conjugate Abel – Poisson means on classes of conjugate functions when the function satisfies the Lipschitz condition on the segment [–1,1] are found, and the approximations of the conjugate Abel – Poisson means of conjugate functions with density | x |s , s ∈(1, 2), on the segment [–1,1] are studied. Estimates of the approximations are obtained, and the asymptotic expression of the majorant of the approximations in the final part is found. The optimal value of the parameter at which the greatest rate of decreasing the majorant is provided is found. As a consequence of the obtained results, the problem of approximating the conjugate function with density | x |s , s ∈(1, 2), by the Abel – Poisson means of conjugate polynomial series on the system of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind is studied in detail. Estimates of the approximations are established, as well as the asymptotic expression of the majorants of the approximations. This work is of both theoretical and applied nature. It can be used when reading special courses at mathematical faculties and for solving specific problems of computational mathematics.
About the Authors
P. G. PatseikaBelarus
Pavel G. Patseika – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
22, Ozheshko Str., 230023, Grodno, Republic of Bela rus
Y. A. Rouba
Yauheni A. Rouba – Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
22, Ozheshko Str., 230023, Grodno, Republic of Bela rus
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