
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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The subdifferentiability of functions convex with respect to the set of Lipschitz concave functions


A function defined on normed vector spaces X is called convex with respect to the set LĈ := LĈ (X,R ) of
Lipschitz continuous classically concave functions (further, for brevity, LĈ -convex), if it is the upper envelope of some subset of functions from LĈ. A function f is LĈ -convex if and only if it is lower semicontinuous and bounded from below by a Lipschitz function. We introduce the notion of LĈ -subdifferentiability of a function at a point, i. e., subdifferentiability with respect to Lipschitz concave functions, which generalizes the notion of subdifferentiability of classically convex functions, and prove that for each LĈ -convex function the set of points at which it is LĈ -subdifferentiable is dense in its effective domain. The last result extends the well-known Brondsted – Rockafellar theorem on the existence of the subdifferential for classically convex lower semicontinuous functions to the more wide class of lower semicontinuous functions. Using elements of the subset LĈ θ ⊂ LĈ, which consists of Lipschitz continuous functions vanishing at the origin of X we introduce the notions of LĈ θ -subgradient and LĈ θ -subdifferential for a function at a point.
The properties of LĈ -subdifferentials and their relations with the classical Fenchel – Rockafellar subdifferential are studied. Considering the set LČ := LČ (X,R ) of Lipschitz continuous classically convex functions as elementary ones we define the notions of LČ -concavity and LČ -superdifferentiability that are symmetric to the LĈ -convexity and LĈ -subdifferentiability of functions. We also derive criteria for global minimum and maximum points of nonsmooth functions formulated in terms of LĈ θ -subdifferentials and LČ θ -superdifferentials.

About the Authors

V. V. Gorokhovik
Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Valentin V. Gorokhovik – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Department of Nonlinear and Stochastic Analysis

11, Surganov Str., 220072, Minsk 

A. S. Tykoun
Belorussian State University

Alexander S. Tykoun – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor

4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk 


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