
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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A spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments


It is Petras who first developed the P-symmetric theory for a spin 1/2 particle with an anomalous magnetic moment within the general Gel’fand – Yaglom approach. Recently, similarly it was introduced a P-asymmetric wave equation for a spin 1/2 particle which describes a particle with an electric dipole moment. In this paper, we study solutions of the equation for the P-asymmetric particle in presence of external magnetic fields. It turns out that the energy spectra are the same for P-asymmetric and P-symmetric particles. To clarify this coincidence, we demonstrate that there exists a simple transformation relating these two models, by which one wave equation can be reduced to the form of the other. Meanwhile, expressions for wave functions and P-reflection operators are different in these two theories. We extend this approach to the model in which both P-symmetric and P-asymmetric sectors are presented. The main result is the same, namely, there exists a simple, more general as compared with the mentioned above transformation relating the P-symmetric model and the model with two sectors, and expressions for wave functions and P-reflection operators are different in these two bases. We demonstrate that in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field, the energy spectra in the model with two sectors coincide with those in the P-symmetric theory. Thus, we develop a general theory for the P-asymmetric model and the model with two sectors within the Petras approach.

About the Authors

Е. М. Ovsiyuk
Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I. P. Shamyakin

Еlena М. Оvsiyuk – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics and Applied Informatics

28, Studencheskaya Str., 247760, Mozyr

A. P. Safronov
Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I. P. Shamyakin

Artur P. Safronov – Lecturer at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Applied Informatics

28, Studencheskaya Str., 247760, Mozyr, Gomel region

A. D. Koralkov
Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I. P. Shamyakin

Artem D. Koral’kov – Lecturer at the Department of Theoretical Physics and Applied Informatics

28, Studencheskaya Str., 247760, Mozyr, Gomel region

V. V. Kisel
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Vasily V. Kisel – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics

6, P. Brovka Str., 220013, Minsk


1. Kisel V. V., Pletyukhov V. A., Ovsiyuk E. M., Red’kov V. M. On P-noninvariant wave equation for a spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic moment. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2019, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 18–40.

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3. Ovsiyuk E. M., Veko O. V., Voynova Ya. A., Kisel V. V., Red’kov V. M. Quantum mechanics of electron in megnetic field, taking into account of the anomalous magnetic moment. Doklady Natsional’noi akademii nauk Belarusi = Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2016, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 67–73 (in Russian).

4. Ovsiyuk E. M., Kisel V. V., Voynova Y. A., Veko O. V., Red’kov V. M. Spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic moment in a uniform magnetic field, exact solutions. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2016, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 153–165.

5. Ovsiyuk E. M., Veko O. V., Voynova Ya. A., Kisel V. V., Red’kov V. M. Spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic moment in the uniform electric field. Vesnіk Brestskaga ўnіversіteta. Seryya 4, Fіzіka. Matematyka = Vesnik of Brest University. Series 4, Physics, Mathematics, 2016, no. 1, pp. 22–28 (in Russian).

6. Ovsiyuk E. M., Veko O. V., Voynova Ya. A., Kisel V. V., Red’kov V. M. Spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic moment in the Coulomb field. Vesnіk Brestskaga ўnіversіteta. Seryya 4, Fіzіka. Matematyka = Vesnik of Brest University. Series 4, Physics, Mathematics, 2017, no. 1, pp. 17–34 (in Russian).

7. Veko O. V., Voynova Ya. A., Red’kov V. M. Spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic moment: nonrelativistic approximation, taking into account of the Coulomb field. Izvestiya Komi nauchnogo tsentra Ural’skogo otdeleniya RAN = Proceedings of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018, vol. 33, pp. 13–20 (in Russian).

8. Ovsiyuk E. M., Kisel V. V., Red’kov V. M. Spin 1/2 particle with anomalous magnetic moment in presence of external magnetic field, exact solutions. Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology: Beyond Foundations. New York, Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2019, pp. 65–80.

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