
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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The Stewart – Levine model is considered, which describes the dynamics of unstable strains of two micro-organisms, provided that a specific consumption rate of a substrate by both the plasmid-bearing organism and the plasmid-free organism is given by the Mono function. For the case when the half-saturation constants are equal, the reduction of the third-order differential system describing the considered model to a nonlinear differential equation of the first-order is realized. For such a system we built the software modules that allow simulating its solutions properties which depend on the input parameters. The coefficient relations, at which the third-order differential system has an analytical solution, are found, and the visualization of solutions for the certain sets of parameters is given. 

About the Authors

A. V. Chichurin
Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin, Brest

A. N. Shvychkinа
Brest State Technical University, Brest


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