The generalized Schrődinger equation for a scalar Cox particle is studied in the presence of a magnetic field on the background of Lobachevsky space. Separation of variables is performed. An equation describing the particle motion along the z axis appears to be much more complex than that when describing the Cox particle in Minkowski space. The form of the effective potential curve says that we have a quantum-mechanical problem of tunneling type. The derived equation has 6 regular singular points. Singular points 0 and 1 of the derived equation correspond to the physical domains z = ±∞. The solutions of the equation are constructed with the help of power series. Convergence of the series is examined by the Poincare – Perrone method. These series are convergent within the whole physical domain z ∈ (-∞,+∞). When considering an ordinary particle in Lobachevsky space, a simpler problem of tunneling type arises, which is exactly solved in terms of hypergeometric functions.
About the Authors
O. V. VekoBelarus
Ya. A. Voynova
E. M. Ovsiyuk
Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
V. M. Red’kov
D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Chief Researcher, Center of Theoretical Physics
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