
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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Tiled parallel 2D computational processes


The algorithm implemented on a parallel computer with distributed memory has, as a rule, a tiled structure: a set of operations is divided into subsets, called tiles. One of the modern approaches to obtaining tiled versions of algorithms is a tiling transformation based on information sections of the iteration space, resulting in macro-operations (tiles). The operations of one tile are performed atomically, as one unit of calculation, and the data exchange is done by arrays. The method of construction of tiled computational processes logically organized as a two-dimensional structure for algorithms given by multidimensional loops is stated. Compared to one-dimensional structures, the use of two-dimensional structures is possible in a smaller number of cases, but it can have advantages when implementing algorithms on parallel computers with distributed memory. Among the possible advantages are the reduction of the volume of communication operations, the reduction of acceleration and deceleration of computations, potentially a greater number of computation processes and the organization of data exchange operations only within the rows or columns of processes. The results are a generalization of some aspects of the method of construction of parallel computational processes organized in a one-dimensional structure to the case of a two-dimensional structure. It is shown that under certain restrictions on the structure and length of loops, it is sufficient to perform tiling on three coordinates of a multidimensional iteration space. In the earlier theoretical studies, the parallelism of tiled computations was guaranteed in the presence of information sections in all coordinates of the iteration space, and for a simpler case of a one-dimensional structure, in two coordinates.

About the Authors

N. A. Likhoded
Belarusian State University, Minsk
D. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics

M. A. Paliashchuk
Belarusian State University, Minsk
Junior Researcher


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