
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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Solvability and construction of solution to the de la Vallee – Poussin problem for the second-order matrix Lyapunov equation with a parameter


The paper considers the issues of constructive analysis of the de la Vallee – Poussin boundary-value problem for the second-order linear matrix differential Lyapunov equation with a parameter and variable coefficients. The initial problem is reduced to an equivalent integral problem, and to study its solvability a modification of the generalized contraction mapping principle is used. A connection between the approach used and the Green’s function method is established. The coefficient sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of this problem are obtained. Using the Lyapunov – Poincaré small parameter method, an algorithm for constructing a solution has been developed. The convergence and the rate of convergence of this algorithm have been investigated, and a constructive estimation of the region of solution localization is given. To illustrate the application of the results obtained, the linear problem of steady heat conduction for a cylindrical wall, as well as
a two-dimensional matrix model problem is considered. With the help of the developed general algorithm, analytical approximate solutions of these problems have been constructed and on the basis of their exact solutions a comparative numerical analysis has been carried out.

About the Authors

A. I. Kashpar
Belarusian – Russian University.

Assistant Rector.

43, Mira Ave., 212000, Mogilev.

V. N. Laptinskiy
Institute of Technology of Metals of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

 Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Chief Researcher.

11, Byalynitskii-Birulya Str., 212030, Mogilev.


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