
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

Advanced search

Electromagnetic calorimeter of the trigger system for the COMET experiment.


In this paper, on the basis of the Monte-Carlo simulation results a signal processing algorithm for determination of the energy deposited in real time by incident particles has been developed and implemented in the created electronics prototype of the trigger system for an electromagnetic calorimeter of the COMET experiment. The energy thresholds for trigger cells are determined which make it possible to select signal events – an electron with a momentum of 105 MeV/c, and significantly reduce a rate of background events. The electronics prototype of the trigger system has been verified by testbench measurements and electron beam experiments. The obtained results satisfy the key requirement of the calorimeter – the energy resolution in real time is better than 5 % for the signal electron energy.

About the Authors

D. V. Shoukavy
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
Russian Federation

Ph. D. (Physics and Mathe matics), Leading Researcher.

68-1, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072.

D. N. Grigoriev
Novosibirsk State University; Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Novosibirsk State Technical University.
Russian Federation

Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Laboratory;  Head of the Laboratory;  Assistant Professor.

2, Pirogov Str., 630090, Novosibirsk; 11, Akademician Lavrentiev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk;  20, K. Marks Ave., 630073, Novosibirsk.

L. B. Epshteyn
Novosibirsk State University; Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Novosibirsk State Technical University.
Russian Federation

 Researcher; Senior Lecturer.

2, Pirogov Str., 630090, Novosibirsk; 11, Akademician Lavrentiev Ave., 630090, Novosibirsk;  20, K. Marks Ave., 630073, Novosibirsk.

Yu. V. Yudin
Novosibirsk State University; Novosibirsk State Technical University.
Russian Federation

 Ph. D. (Engineering), Senior Researcher;  Senior Researcher.

2, Pirogov Str., 630090, Novosibirsk;  20, K. Marks Ave., 630073, Novosibirsk.


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