Monte-Carlo simulation of the 1st order hadron-QGP phase transition in heavy ion collisions using a parton model
Quark gluon plasma (QGP) is a special state of nuclear matter where quarks and gluons behave like free particles. Recently, a number of investigations of this state with high temperature and/or density have been conducted using collisions of relativistic and ultra-relativistic heavy nuclei. It is accepted that depending on the temperature and density, 1st or the 2nd order phase transitions take place in hadron matter during the formation of QGP. Herein, we have modeled heavy ion collisions using a HIJING Monte-Carlo generator, taking into account the description of the 1st order phase transition as a probabilistic process. We analyzed the behavior of the fluctuations of the total (N = N+ – N–) and resultant (Q = N+ – N–) electric charges of the system. Different phases were introduced using the BDMPS (Baier – Dokshitzer – Mueller – Piegne – Schiff) model of parton energy loss during crossing through a dense nuclear medium.
About the Authors
Yu. A. RusakBelarus
Yury A. Rusak – Junior Researcher
99, Akademika Krasina Str., 220109, Minsk
L. F. Babichev
Leonid F. Babichev – Ph. D. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of Laboratory
99, Akademika Krasina Str., 220109, Minsk
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