
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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Spin 3/2 particle: Puali – Fierz and Fradkin models, interaction with external fields


In the frame of the general Gel’fand – Yaglom formalism, the Fradkin theory for a spin 3/2 particle in presence of external fields is investigated. Applying the standard requirements of relativistic invariance, P-symmetry, existence of a Lagrangian for the model, we derive a set of spinor equations, first in absence of external fields. The wave function consists of a bispinor and a vector-bispinor. It is shown that in absence of external fields the Fradkin model is reduced to the Pauli – Fierz theory. Taking into account the presence of external electromagnetic fields, the Fradkin theory can be turned to the minimal form of the equation for the main bispinor. This equation contains an additional interaction term governed by the electromagnetic tensor Fαβ. Meanwhile, there appears a parameter in the Fradkin equation related to any characteristic of the particle additional to its charge. The theory is generalized for taking into account the pseudo-Riemannian space-time geometry. In this case, the Fradkin equation contains an additional interaction term, governed by the Ricci tensor Rαβ. If the electric charge of the particle is zero, the Fradkin model remains correct and describes a neutral spin 3/2 particle of the Majorana type interacting nonminimally with the geometrical background through the Ricci tensor. To clarify the meaning of the additional physical characteristics underlying the Fradkin model in contrast to the Pauli – Fierz one we have considered nonrelativistic approximation for both theories in presence of an external uniform magnetic field, and found respective energy spectra. The structure of the ninrelativistic Fradkin equation permits to consider such an additional parameter as polarizability.
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ISSN 1561-2430 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2415 (Online)