Topologically non-trivial solution in a dissipative φ4 model with Lorentz-invariance violation
In this paper a (1+1)-dimension equation of motion for φ4-theory is considered for the case of simultaneously taking into a account of the processes of dissipation and violation the Lorentz-invariance. A topological non-trivial solution of one-kink type for this equation is constructed in an analytical form. To this end, the modified direct Hirota method for solving the nonlinear partial derivatives equations was used. A modification of the method lead to special conditions on the parameters of the model and the solution.
About the Author
M. A. KnyazevBelarus
Michael A. Knyazev – Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Head of the Department of Engineering Mathematics
65, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220013, Minsk
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