On the absence of logarithmic singularities in the solutions of Lamé-type equations
The object of this research is linear differential equations of the second order with regular singularities. We extend the concept of a regular singularity to linear partial differential equations. The general solution of a linear differential equation with a regular singularity is a linear combination of two linearly independent solutions, one of which in the general case contains a logarithmic singularity. The well-known Lamé equation, where the Weierstrass elliptic function is one of the coefficients, has only meromorphic solutions. We consider such linear differential equations of the second order with regular singularities, for which as a coefficient instead of the Weierstrass elliptic function we use functions that are the solutions to the first Painlevé or Korteweg – de Vries equations. These equations will be called Lamé-type equations. The question arises under what conditions the general solution of Lamé-type equations contains no logarithms. For this purpose, in the present paper, the solutions of Lamé-type equations are investigated and the conditions are found that make it possible to judge the presence or absence of logarithmic singularities in the solutions of the equations under study. An example of an equation with an irregular singularity having a solution with an logarithmic singularity is given, since the equation, defining it, has a multiple root.
About the Authors
E. R. BabichBelarus
Elena R. Babich – Lecturer of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations, and Algebra
22, Ozheshko Str., 230023, Grodno
I. P. Martynov
Ivan P. Martynov – Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Professorof the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and Algebra
22, Ozheshko Str., 230023, Grodno
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