
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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On the modularity of the lattice of Baer-σ-local formations


Throughout this paper, all groups are finite. A group class closed under taking homomorphic images and finite subdirect products is called a formation. The symbol σ denotes some partition of the set of all primes. V. G. Safonov, I. N. Safonova, A. N. Skiba (Commun. Algebra. 2020. Vol. 48, № 9. P. 4002–4012) defined a generalized formation σ-function. Any function f of the form f : σ È {Ø} → {formations of groups}, where f(Ø) ≠ ∅, is called a generalized formation σ-function. Generally local formations or so-called Baer-σ-local formations are defined by means of generalized formation σ-functions. The set of all such formations partially ordered by set inclusion is a lattice. In this paper it is proved that the lattice of all Baerσ-local formations is algebraic and modular.

About the Author

N. N. Vorob’ev
Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Masherov

Nikolay N. Vorob’ev – Dr. Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Mathematics

33, Moscow Ave., 210038, Vitebsk


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