Studying the influence of transport model parameters on the results of passenger traffic calculations (using the case of St. Petersburg)
This study focuses on the development of mathematical modelling methods for transport and urban planning. The current research focuses on an innovative mathematical model for simultaneous calculation of passenger and transport flow intensity in urban agglomerations using a common transport graph. An assessment of the model limitation impact on the parameters of individual and public transportation systems in a city (urban agglomeration) is conducted. To verify the model, several experimental calculations are performed for the transport system of the St. Petersburg agglomeration. The model presented by the authors can be used in scientific research in urban and transport planning and in the development of design solutions in cities.
About the Authors
N. V. BulychevaRussian Federation
Nelya V. Bulycheva, Senior Researcher
38, Serpukhovskaya Str.
St. Petersburg
D. V. Kapski
Denis V. Kapski, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Vice-Chairman
66, Nezavisimosti Ave.
L. A. Losin
Russian Federation
Leonid A. Losin, Ph. D. (Engineering), Head of the Laboratory
38, Serpukhovskaya Str.
St. Petersburg
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