The sequence of phase transformations during Sr2FeMoO6–δ crystallization by the solid phase method was studied for powders synthesized from the stoichiometric mixture of SrCO3 Fe2O3, MoO3 oxides. It is found that the synthesis of a strontium ferromolybdate solid solution proceeds through a series of parallel chemical reactions. It is revealed that at the beginning stage of interaction, the initially formed Sr2FeMoO6–δ powder is enriched with iron. During the annealing process, the composition of strontium ferromolybdate changes and the molybdenum content increases upon further heating. It is shown that in the process of crystallization of double perovskite in the temperature range T = (300–1420) K, there is the following sequence of phase transformations Fe2O3, MoO3, SrCO3} (300 К) → {SrMoO4, Fe2O3, SrCO3} (770 К) → {SrMoO4, SrFeO3–х (traces), Sr2FeMoO6–δ (traces)} (970 K) → {SrMoO4, Sr2FeMoO6–δ } (1170 К) → { Sr2FeMoO6–δ } (1420 К)..
About the Authors
M. A. KalandaBelarus
M. V. Yarmolich
A. M. Panasevich
D. A. Kryuchenia
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