
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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Vol 56, No 3 (2020)
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263-274 824
In this paper, a new approach to the definition of the interpolating rational process of Fejer – Hermite with first-type Chebyshev – Markov nodes on a segment is studied and some of its approximating properties are described. In the introduction a brief analysis of the results on the topic of the research is carried out. Herein, the methods of the construction of interpolating processes, in particular, Fejer – Hermite processes, in the polynomial and rational approximation are analysed. A new method to determine the interpolating rational Fejer – Hermite process is proposed. One of the main results of this paper is the proof of the uniform convergence of this process for an arbitrary function, which is continuous on the segment, under some restrictions for the poles of approximating functions. This result is preceded by some auxiliary statements describing the properties of special rational functions. The classic methods of mathematical analysis, approximation theory, and theory of functions of a complex variable are used to prove the results of the work. Moreover, we present the numerical analysis of the effectiveness of the application of the constructed interpolating Fejer – Hermite process for the approximation of a continuous function with singularities. The choice of parameters, on which the nodes of interpolation depend, is made in several standard ways. The obtained results can be applied to further study the approximating properties of interpolating processes.
275-286 753
The object of this study is an autonomous van der Pol system on a real plane. The subject of the study is the properties of the limit cycle of this system. The main purpose of this paper is to find the localization of the limit cycle on the phase plane and establish its shape for various values of the real parameter of the van der Pol system. Our approach is based on the use of transverse curves related to the Dulac – Cherkas functions and approximating the location of the limit cycle. As the first step, five topologically equivalent systems, including systems with a parameter rotating the vector field, as well as singularly perturbed systems are determined for the van der Pol system. Then, applying the previously elaborated method, we constructed two polynomial Dulac – Cherkas functions for each of three systems from the considered ones in the phase plane for all real nonzero values of the parameter. Using them, transverse curves forming the boundaries of the localization regions of the limit cycle for the van der Pol system are found. Thus, the constructed Dulac – Cherkas functions allow us to determine the location of the limit cycle on the basis of algebraic curves for all real parameter values, including values close to the bifurcation of a limit cycle from the center ovals, the Andronov – Hopf bifurcation, and the bifurcation from a closed trajectory related to a discontinuous periodic solution.
287-297 865
In this paper, we consider the boundary problem for the half-strip on the plane for the case of two independent variables. This mixed problem is solved for a one-dimensional wave equation with Cauchy conditions on the basis of the half-strip and boundary conditions for lateral parts of the area border containing second-order derivatives. Moreover, the conjugation conditions are specified for the required function and its derivatives for the case when the homogeneous matching conditions are not satisfied. A classical solution to this problem is found in an analytical form by the characteristics method. This solution is approved to be unique if the relevant conditions are fulfilled.
298-309 877
A linear integro-differential equation of the first order given on a closed curve located on the complex plane is studied. The coefficients of the equation have a special structure. The equation contains a singular integral, which can be understood as the main value by Cauchy, and a hypersingular integral which can be understood as the end part by Hadamard. The analytical continuation method is applied. The equation is reduced to a sequential solution of the Riemann boundary value problem and two linear differential equations. The Riemann problem is solved in the class of analytic functions with special points. Differential equations are solved in the class of analytical functions on the complex plane. The conditions for the solvability of the original equation are explicitly given. The solution of the equation when these conditions are fulfilled is also given explicitly. Examples are considered. A non-obvious special case is analyzed.
310-317 817
In this paper, we consider the class of cographs and its subclasses, namely, threshold graphs and anti-regular graphs. In 2011 H. Bai confirmed the Grone – Merris conjecture about the sum of the first k eigenvalues of the Laplacian of an arbitrary graph. As a variation of the Grone – Merris conjecture, A. Brouwer put forward his conjecture about an upper bound for this sum. Although the latter conjecture was confirmed for many graph classes, however, it remains open. By analogy to Brouwer’s conjecture, in 2013 F. Ashraf et al. put forward a conjecture about the sum of k eigenvalues of the signless Laplacian, which was also confirmed for some graph classes but remains open. In this paper, an analogue of the Brouwer’s conjecture is confirmed for the graph classes under our consideration for the eigenvalues of their signless Laplacian for some natural k which does not exceed the order of the considered graphs.
318-327 756
The object of this research is fourth-order differential equations. The aim of the research is to study the analytical properties of the solutions of these differential equations. The general form of the considered equations is indicated, and also the choice of the research object is justified. Herein we studied fourth-order differential equations for which sets of resonances with all positive nontrivial resonances are absent. Besides, three of these equations satisfy the conditions of absence in the solutions of moving multivalued singular points. The solutions of the next three equations have movable special points of multivalued character. Moreover, we also investigated the analytical properties of one more fourth-order differential equation of another general form for which it is also possible to construct a two-parameter rational solution as there is a nontrivial negative resonance in the related set of resonances. The first integrals of the equations under study are found and their rational solutions are constructed from negative non-trivial resonances. The resonance method was used in this study. The obtained results can be used in the analytical theory of differential equations.


328-334 841
In this paper, based on the definition of the center of mass given in [1, 2], its immobility is postulated in spaces with a constant curvature, and the problem of two particles with an internal interaction, described by a potential depending on the distance between points on a three-dimensional sphere, is considered. This approach, justified by the absence of a principle similar to the Galileo principle on the one hand and the property of isotropy of space on the other, allows us to consider the problem in the map system for the center of mass. It automatically ensures dependence only on the relative variables of the considered points. The Hamilton – Jacobi equation of the problem is formulated, its solutions and the equations of trajectories are found. It is shown that the reduced mass of the system depends on the relative distance. Given this circumstance, a modified system metric is written out.
335-349 1237
The relativistic wave equation is well-known for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by W. E. Pauli and M. E. Fierz and based on the 16-component wave function with the transformation properties of the vector-bispinor. In this paper, we investigated the nonrelativistic approximation in this theory. Starting with the first-order equation formalism and representation of Pauli – Fierz equation in the Petras basis, also applying the method of generalized Kronecker symbols and elements of the complete matrix algebras, and decomposing the wave function into large and small nonrelativistic constituents with the help of projective operators, we have derived a Pauli-like equation for the 4-component wave function describing the non-relativistic particle with a 3/2 spin.
350-360 818
In the frame of the general Gel’fand – Yaglom formalism, the Fradkin theory for a spin 3/2 particle in presence of external fields is investigated. Applying the standard requirements of relativistic invariance, P-symmetry, existence of a Lagrangian for the model, we derive a set of spinor equations, first in absence of external fields. The wave function consists of a bispinor and a vector-bispinor. It is shown that in absence of external fields the Fradkin model is reduced to the Pauli – Fierz theory. Taking into account the presence of external electromagnetic fields, the Fradkin theory can be turned to the minimal form of the equation for the main bispinor. This equation contains an additional interaction term governed by the electromagnetic tensor Fαβ. Meanwhile, there appears a parameter in the Fradkin equation related to any characteristic of the particle additional to its charge. The theory is generalized for taking into account the pseudo-Riemannian space-time geometry. In this case, the Fradkin equation contains an additional interaction term, governed by the Ricci tensor Rαβ. If the electric charge of the particle is zero, the Fradkin model remains correct and describes a neutral spin 3/2 particle of the Majorana type interacting nonminimally with the geometrical background through the Ricci tensor. To clarify the meaning of the additional physical characteristics underlying the Fradkin model in contrast to the Pauli – Fierz one we have considered nonrelativistic approximation for both theories in presence of an external uniform magnetic field, and found respective energy spectra. The structure of the ninrelativistic Fradkin equation permits to consider such an additional parameter as polarizability.
361-372 905
In this paper, we investigate the evolution of the neutrino flux propagating through dense matter and an intensive magnetic field. As an example, the magnetic field of the coupled sunspots being the sources of solar flares is considered. We assume that neutrinos possess dipole magnetic and anapole moments while the magnetic field is twisting and nonpotential, and its strength may be ≥105 Gs. The problem is investigated within three neutrino generations. Possible resonance conversions inside the neutrino flux are studied.
373-383 1129
The combination in an optical scheme of rather different elements such as axicons and spherical lenses allows forming light fields that differ by a variety of properties. The simplest example of such a scheme consists of an axicon and a spherical lens spatially separated from it. Though this scheme was investigated earlier, the region of so-called secondary focusing located behind the well-known annular focus has not been studied yet. In this paper, the analytical and numerical analysis of a light field in the region of secondary focusing is conducted. The boundaries of this region are determined, and the longitudinal and transverse distribution of the light intensity is calculated. It is shown that the near field region of secondary focusing is formed in the regime of abrupt autofocusing of the annular field. It is established that in a general case the transverse intensity distribution in the far field region is a superposition of an annular field and an oscillating axialtype field. The distance between the axicon and the lens is determined when the annular component of the field practically disappears. It is shown that in this case the light field in the region of the secondary focusing is a locally Bessel light beam. The peculiarity of this beam is that its cone angle depends on the longitudinal component, namely, decreases in inverse proportion while the distance z increases. The important feature of such z-dependent Bessel beams is the absence of their transformation into annular fields, as it occurs for ordinary Bessel or Bessel-Gaussian beams in the far field region. This opens the prospect for application of z-dependent Bessel beams for optical communication in free space and remote probing, which is why such beams are perspective for application in different systems of remote probing.


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