
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series

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Vol 57, No 3 (2021)
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263-273 1061

Herein, a miscellaneous contact problem of the theory of elasticity in the upper half-plane is considered. The boundary is a real semi-axis separated into four parts, on each of which the boundary conditions are set for the real or imaginary part of two desired analytical functions. Using new unknown functions, the problem is reduced to an inhomogeneous Riemann boundary value problem with a piecewise constant 2 × 2 matrix and four singular points. A differential equation of the Fuchs class with four singular points is constructed, the residue matrices of which are found by the logarithm method of the product of matrices. The single solution of the problem is represented in terms of Cauchy-type integrals when the solvability condition is met.

274-285 750

It is well known that the recognition problem of the existence of a perfect matching in a graph, as well as the recognition problem of its Hamiltonicity and traceability, is NP-complete. Quite recently, lower bounds for the size and the spectral radius of a graph that guarantee the existence of a perfect matching in it have been obtained. We improve these bounds, firstly, by using the available bounds for the size of the graph for existence of a Hamiltonian path in it, and secondly, by finding new lower bounds for the spectral radius of the graph that are sufficient for the traceability property. Moreover, we develop the recognition algorithm of the existence of a perfect matching in a graph. This algorithm uses the concept of a (κ,τ)-regular set, which becomes polynomial in the class of graphs with a fixed cyclomatic number.

286-235 807

In this paper, we represented an analytical form of a classical solution of the wave equation in the class of continuously differentiable functions of arbitrary order with mixed boundary conditions in a quarter of the plane. The boundary of the area consists of two perpendicular half-lines. On one of them, the Cauchy conditions are specified. The second half-line is separated into two parts, namely, the limited segment and the remaining part in the form of a half-line. The Dirichlet condition is specified on the segment, as well as the Neumann condition is fulfilled on the second part in the form of a half-line. In a quarter of the plane, the classical solution of the problem under consideration is determined. To construct this solution, a particular solution of the original wave equation is established. For the given functions of the problem, the concordance conditions are written, which are necessary and sufficient for the solution of the problem to be classical of high order of smoothness and unique.

236-310 727

In this paper, we consider a new hypersingular integro-differential equation of arbitrary order on a closed curve located in the complex plane. The integrals in the equation are understood in the sense of the finite Hadamard part. The equation refers to linear integro-differential equations with variable coefficients of a particular form. A characteristic feature of the equation is its representation with the help of determinants close to the Vronsky ones. The method of analytical continuation, properties of determinants, and generalized Sokhotsky formulas are used for the study. The equation reduces to the Riemann boundary value problem of a jump in a certain class of functions. If the Riemann boundary problem turns out to be solvable, then one should solve linear inhomogeneous differential equations in the class of analytic functions in the domains of the complex plane. The analysis of the obtained solutions in an infinitely distant point is not evident. The study has a complete look. The conditions for the solvability of the original equation are explicitly written out. When they are fulfilled, the solution is explicitly written, to which an example is given.

311-318 912

This work is devoted to the construction of compact difference schemes for convection-diffusion equations with divergent and nondivergent convective terms. Stability and convergence in the discrete norms are proved. The obtained results are generalized to multidimensional convection-diffusion equations. The test numerical calculations presented in the work are consistent with the theoretical conclusions.

319-329 898

In this paper we propose a new approach to the construction of quadrature formulas of interpolation rational type on an interval. In the introduction, a brief analysis of the results on the topic of the research is carried out. Most attention is paid to the works of mathematicians of the Belarusian school on approximation theory – Gauss, Lobatto, and Radau quadrature formulas with nodes at the zeros of the rational Chebyshev – Markov fractions. Rational fractions on the segment, generalizing the classical orthogonal Jacobi polynomials with one weight, are defined, and some of their properties are described. One of the main results of this paper consists in constructing quadrature formulas with nodes at zeros of the introduced rational fractions, calculating their coefficients in an explicit form, and estimating the remainder. This result is preceded by some auxiliary statements describing the properties of special rational functions. Classical methods of mathematical analysis, approximation theory, and the theory of functions of a complex variable are used for proof. In the conclusion a numerical analysis of the efficiency of the constructed quadrature formulas is carried out. Meanwhile, the choice of the parameters on which the nodes of the quadrature formulas depend is made in several standard ways. The obtained results can be applied for further research of rational quadrature formulas, as well as in numerical analysis.


330-346 762

Herein, the restricted circular three-body problem in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media is considered. Particular attention is paid to libration points. The conditions of their existence or non-existence in the Newtonian and post-Newtonian approximations of the general theory of relativity are derived. Several regularities, new Newtonian and relativistic effects arising due to the impact of the additional relativistic forces on bodies of gravitational fields of mediums in the differential equations of the motion of bodies are indicated. Using the previously derived equations of the motion of two bodies A1, A2 in the medium, the authors substantiated the following statements. In a homogeneous medium (density of the medium ρ = const) in the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity there are ρ-libration points , 1,...,5, moving along the same circles as the Euler and Lagrangian libration points Li but with an angular velocity 0 , greater than the angular velocity ω0 of libration points Li in a vacuum. Bodies A1, A2 also move along their circles with an angular velocity 0 > w When passing from the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity to the post-Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity, the centre of mass of two bodies, resting in a homogeneous medium in the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity, must move along a cycloid. The trajectories of the bodies can not be circles, the libration points Li disappear. In the case of an inhomogeneous medium distributed, for example, spherically symmetrically, the centre of mass of two bodies, already in the Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity, must move along the cycloid, despite it was at rest in the void. Therefore, bodies A1, A2 must describe loops that form, figuratively speaking, a «lace», as in the case of a homogeneous medium in the post-Newtonian approximation of the general theory of relativity. The figure illustrating the situation is provided. Due to the existence of the «lace» effect, the libration point Li movements are destroyed. In the special case, when the masses of bodies A1, A2 are equal (m1 = m2), the cycloids disappear and all the ρ-libration points exist in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media in the Newtonian and post-Newtonian approximations of the general theory of relativity. Numerical estimates of the predicted patterns and effects in the Solar and other planetary systems, interstellar and intergalactic mediums are carried out. For example, displacements associated with these effects, such as the displacement of the centre of mass, can reach many billions of kilometres per revolution of the two-body system. The possible role of these regularities and effects in the theories of the evolution of planetary systems, galaxies, and their ensembles is discussed. A brief review of the studies carried out by the Belarusian scientific school on the problem of the motion of bodies in media in the general theory of relativity is given.

347-352 660

In this paper a (1+1)-dimension equation of motion for φ4-theory is considered for the case of simultaneously taking into a account of the processes of dissipation and violation the Lorentz-invariance. A topological non-trivial solution of one-kink type for this equation is constructed in an analytical form. To this end, the modified direct Hirota method for solving the nonlinear partial derivatives equations was used. A modification of the method lead to special conditions on the parameters of the model and the solution.

353-373 837

The well-known relativistic wave equation for a spin 3/2 particle proposed by Pauli and Fierz is based on the use of the wave function with the transformation properties of vector-bispinor. Less known is the Fradkin theory based on the vector-bispinor wave function as well. At the vanishing Fradkin parameter Λ, this equation reduces to the Pauli – Fierz equation. To clarify the physical meaning of the additional parameter, in the present paper the nonrelativistic approximation in the Fradkin equation is studied, at this we take into account the presence of external electromagnetic fields. With the use of the technique of projective operators, we decompose the wave function into big and small constituents, and then derive a generalized nonrelativistic equation for a 16-component wave function. It is shown that when preserving only the terms of first order in the Fradkin parameter Λ after transition to 4 independent components of the nonrelativistic wave function there arises the ordinary nonrelativistic equation for the Pauli – Fierz theory without any additional interaction with electromagnetic fields. When preserving the terms of second order in parameter Λ, we obtain a 4-component nonrelativistic equation with additional interaction; however, only with the magnetic field. This interaction is quadratic in magnetic field components and governed by six 4-dimensional matrices. So the Fradkin theory may be understood as relevant to a particle with magnetic quadrupole moment.

374-384 791

Herein, on the basis of expressions for the refractive indices of isonormal waves, the possibility of performing collinear phase matching for optical parametric generation in arbitrary directions of a biaxial KTA crystal under pumping by radiation of a YAG:Nd laser is analyzed. The tuning curves that determine the tuning range of the signal and idler for type-I and II-type phase-matching and arbitrary angles θ and φ in cases where the tuning is carried out along the angle θ at a fixed angle φ and vice versa are calculated. The effective nonlinear coefficient is determined. It is shown that their maximum value is achieved аt a polar angle θ = 90° and type-II phase-matching. For the case of generation of eye-safe radiation the spectral and angular phase matching widths were estimated, as well as gain widths of KTA-OPO under monochromatic pumping.

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ISSN 1561-2430 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2415 (Online)